Rules of Arya Samaj

The 10 Universal Rules of Arya Samaj

Rules of Arya Samaj

1. The Supreme Lord is the original source of all truth and the things that are known through knowledge.
2. God is Sachchidanand swarup, formless, omnipotent, just, kind, unborn, eternal, voiceless, eternal, unique, universal, omnipresent, omnipresent, immortal, fearless, eternal, holy and creator, he is worthy of worship.
3. Veda is the book of all Satya vidyas. Reading, teaching and listening to Vedas is the ultimate religion of all Aryans.
4. One should always be eager to accept the truth and leave the untruth.
5. All work should be done according to Dharma i.e. considering truth and untruth.
6. The main objective of this society is to do good to the world, that is, to make physical, spiritual and social progress.
7. Most lovingly, according to religion, proper behavior should be done.
8. Avidya should be destroyed and knowledge should be increased.
9. Everyone should not be satisfied with his own progress, but should understand his progress in the progress of all.
10 All human beings should remain dependent in following social all-beneficial rules and all should be free in every beneficial rule.