Note: We are not a legal identity to provides NRI marriage. We only provide assistance for the same and perform marriage as a pandit.

In general, those who don’t believe in religious restrictions can record their marriages in India under the Special Marriage Act of 1954. However, in accordance with the Indian constitution, those who share this belief can legally record their marriage. What about NRI relationships, though? Does India have special laws and processes for registering NRI marriages? Yes, the Non-resident Indian Bill, 2019, is the basis for a particular provision regarding NRI marriages. Let’s get more information on it.

What are the requirements for a union to be referred to as an NRI marriage?

Certain requirements become the most frequent element for a marriage to be referred to as an NRI marriage for the purposes of the NRI marriage registry. Under the Non-Resident Indian Bill, 2019, a marriage can only be recorded by avoiding all requirements or conditions. The prerequisites are as follows:

At least one member of the couples must be an Indian national.

The requirement that at least one member of the couples be an Indian is one of the most crucial prerequisites for NRI marriage registration. Either the man or the lady must be an Indian for a marriage to qualify as an NRI marriage. Additionally, it serves as the basis for India’s foreign marriage legislation. Additionally, a marriage can be deemed an NRI marriage if both partners are NRIs.

Neither of the couples should have a spouse who is still alive.

In order for your marriage to be considered legal and NRI, neither party must still be married to another person. If it is discovered, the union will be declared invalid. The Special relationships Act forbids monogamy in all relationships, including NRI marriages.

Couple’s age range

The age of the parties getting married is the next crucial consideration. The bride must be at least 18 years old and the groom must be at least 21 years old for the wedding rite. The parties will have to pay Rs. 1,000 and serve 15 days in jail if proven guilty.

How does it go through registration in India?

In India, weddings are either registered in accordance with the 1954 special marriage act or one of the numerous religious marriage acts. Similarly, NRI marriage filing is carried out in accordance with the NRI bill 2019. However, the registration process for NRI marriages is more difficult, and both parties may have to go through numerous time-consuming procedures before their marriage is ultimately registered.

Verification of the required papers is crucial for the same. The NRI partner must substantiate their representational position. Give necessary details to define the marital state, such as whether they are single, married, divorced, etc. The partner’s employment information follows, including his or her credentials, position, pay, office location, employer information, etc.

The most crucial thing is to submit the necessary paperwork to verify the spouse’s eligibility to travel abroad with you, your immigration status, and the sort of visa you have. To ensure that the NRI partner has enough income from overseas to cover the necessary expenditures, it is also important to check their financial situation. Check the NRI partner’s property information to make sure there are no errors. Additionally, you should double-check the partner’s family history. Make sure the NRI partner has no criminal history before anything else.